Keep Your Family Free from Colds and Flu This Fall!
Cold and flu season is in full swing. If you or someone in your home has already caught an illness, it’s important to know where to start when cleaning your house to clear away all germs to prevent the spread of illness.
Get started by disinfecting your home’s hot spots with this comprehensive list!
1. Counter tops are a culprit for germs. Using a bleach based cleaner, disinfect all surfaces in the kitchen and bathrooms.
2. There are many items that are regularly handled in your home including doorknobs, light switches, remote controls, computer keyboards, coffee makers, fridge door handles and more. These items need to be wiped down during and after illness to avoid spreading any germs. A thermometer is something else to ensure you disinfect.
3. Changing your sheets and towels regularly is essential to stopping the spread of germs. If you’re feeling particularly under the weather, changing your pillowcases is an easy option until you are able to change everything. Sheets have been known to contain many different types of bacteria. Remember, all bedding and towels need to be washed in hot water as most bacteria can live through cold and warm washes.
4. Dust and vacuum immediately after being unwell to remove any excess bacteria.
5. Sun is a fantastic, natural disinfectant so if possible place large items outside. Pillows, large blankets, area rugs and more are fantastic items to place in the sun for disinfecting.
6. All clothing needs to be washed in hot water. If the stomach flu is what you’ve been infected with there can be left over bodily fluids that will be eliminated by washing in hot water.
7. Empty your garbage regularly and once your illness has run its course clean your trash can with a bleach/water combination.
8. Toothbrushes are an absolute essential to clean following illness. They can be cleaned by soaking in hydrogen peroxide, boiled in hot water or washed in the dishwasher. Replacement is always an option as well.
9. Get some fresh air circulating through your house. Open windows allow stale air and germs to move outdoors and away from you and your family.
10. Clean the bathroom daily during illness. Wipe counter tops and bathtubs and clean toilets daily to minimize the bacteria spread from the bathroom to the rest of the house.
These 10 tips are our favorite for controlling the spread of bacteria in your home. What would you add to this list?