Where Do You Want to Spend Your Time
 Where Do You Want to Spend Your Time

Where Do You Want to Spend Your Time

Spend A Little Time Doing What You Love…

We all want to spend our time doing different things, housecleaning is not at the top of anyone's list; except for Perfection Cleaning. Our Langley House Cleaners want you to be able to make a gourmet dinner for your in-laws, go to the gym, attend soccer practice, come home for a 60 hour work week and just RELAX!

We ask you… Where do you want to spend your time? Time saving has many benefits on your health and relationships. Imagine having more time on your hands! 

We are going to share some Time-Saving Housecleaning Tips to reinvigorate your house and home, so you can get back to that new book you just can't put down!

1. Clean while you cook - Not only will you have a clean kitchen before you sit down for dinner, but also your evening will filled with more you time! Plus if you cook… someone else can do the dishes. It's only fair!

2. Start Your Laundry As Soon As You Wake Up - This will give your cycles a head start, and you can switch it just before leaving for that 9 o'clock meeting. If you have kids, folding laundry is a great chore!

3. Hire a Maid Service - Whether its weekly, bi-weekly or monthly; you can hire a housekeeper to conclude the bathroom and floor cleaning. Having someone do these big jobs will keep your house in check.

4. Keep Up On New House Cleaning Tips - We offer this blog because we truly care about your time and value a clean home. There are so many great Residential House Cleaning Blogs out there.

5. Keep a Basket for Mail and Clutter - Keep all your mail and coupons (and whatever comes out of your pockets) in one spot and organize weekly.

6. Never Be Afraid to Ask For Help - The housecleaning responsibilities are not the sole responsibility of one person. If you need help; ASK!! Your roommate or family would rather help you clean toilets than be harped on for the little things.

We all have little to old up our kitchen gloves to help maintain a clean and organized environment. If we do tasks in spurts, it doesn't seem like a big job. Putting things away right away is another great way to keep your house looking lovely. Tell us some of the ways you save time by leaving a comment below.