Clutter Cutting Ideas for the End of the Year
At this point in the holiday season most of us are anxiously waiting to visit with friends and relatives, exchange gifts, and we are busy running from one holiday gathering to another. Even during the chaos of the season its important to look to look ahead. Chances are you’re going to receive a gift of some sort or maybe even multiples and you’re going to need somewhere to put everything. These tips will help you declutter and go into the new year organized.
Get One, Toss Two
This is a simple decluttering trick you can use as you put away new holiday gifts. For each gift received, toss or giveaway two others. Maybe you’re putting away some new clothes and already have a closet full, or maybe you’re setting up a new gaming system or putting new DVD’s away. Whatever it is, be sure to re-home some of your older items, sure to be of no use now with your new things.
Reuse all those Boxes
If you’re an online shopper, or have received packages from relatives or friends afar, challenge yourself to use the boxes instead of recycling them right away. Fill every box with items for donation and deliver them to a charity before the end of the year. This is a great way to reuse and declutter all at once.
Celebrate the Japanese New Year
Cleaning dirt, clutter and disorganization from the old year is a part of the Japanese New Year. Each year is seen as separate and distinct, so the final week of the old year is dedicated to cleaning, decluttering and organizing. Take the time to clean your home from top to bottom, clean up your filing cabinet out, and tidy up your children’s toys and craft supplies.
Sort Before Storing
When it comes time to take your holiday decorations down and store them until next year, it can be easy to put items away and deal with them later, even if you know you’re not going to use them. This year, get a head start on the clutter. Box up decorations, linens and specialty items you store to prepare them for donation. If you have items that are of no use, throw them away. Streamlining your decorating in advance will make next year a breeze.
Say Goodbye to White Elephant Clutter
The white elephant gift exchange is always a fun idea; however, it can leave you stuck with items that you will never use. Consider keeping a box of items that can be re-gifted. Games, gift baskets, etc. are great re-gifting ideas for other occasions in the year. Another fun idea-hold an after Christmas white elephant exchange. Who knows, you may end up with something you’ll use or an even better item for future re-gifting.
What is your routine for clearing clutter in your home?